Protecting Oregon's Rivers
Suction dredge mining — a form of recreational gold mining — involves vacuuming up riverbeds through a hose using a motorized floating dredge. It harms streams and native fish; smothers critical spawning gravel for salmon; kills aquatic insects, fish eggs, and young fish; degrades stream habitats; and stirs up mercury. A temporary, partial moratorium was in place, and our legislation created permanent protections. This legislation was initiated by the late Senator Alan Bates, an avid Rogue River fly fisherman who worked for many years to prevent and reverse environmental damage caused by suction dredge mining.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed the Senate 21-9 | Passed the House 38-20
House Votes
| Representative | SB 3 |
| Alonso Leon, Teresa |  |
| Barker, Jeff |  |
 | Barnhart, Phil |  |
| Barreto, Greg |  |
| Bentz, Cliff |  |
| Boone, Deborah |  |
| Buehler, Knute |  |
| Bynum, Janelle |  |
| Clem, Brian |  |
 | Doherty, Margaret |  |
| Esquivel, Sal |  |
| Evans, Paul |  |
 | Fahey, Julie |  |
 | Gomberg, David |  |
 | Gorsek, Chris |  |
 | Greenlick, Mitch |  |
| Hack, Jodi |  |
| Hayden, Cedric |  |
| Heard, Dallas |  |
 | Helm, Ken |  |
 | Hernandez, Diego |  |
 | Holvey, Paul |  |
| Huffman, John |  |
| Johnson, Mark |  |
| Kennemer, Bill |  |
 | Keny-Guyer, Alissa |  |
 | Kotek, Tina |  |
| Lewis, Rick |  |
 | Lininger, Ann |  |
| Lively, John |  |
 | Malstrom, Sheri |  |
 | Marsh, Pam |  |
| McKeown, Caddy |  |
 | McLain, Susan |  |
| McLane, Mike |  |
| Meek, Mark |  |
 | Nathanson, Nancy |  |
| Nearman, Mike |  |
| Noble, Ron |  |
 | Nosse, Rob |  |
| Olson, Andy |  |
| Parrish, Julie |  |
| Piluso, Carla |  |
| Post, Bill |  |
| Power, Karin |  |
 | Rayfield, Dan |  |
 | Reardon, Jeff |  |
| Reschke, E. Werner |  |
 | Sanchez, Tawna |  |
| Smith, Greg |  |
 | Smith Warner, Barbara |  |
| Brock Smith, David |  |
 | Sollman, Janeen |  |
| Sprenger, Sherrie |  |
| Stark, Duane |  |
| Vial, Rich |  |
| Whisnant, Gene |  |
 | Williamson, Jennifer |  |
| Wilson, Carl |  |
| Witt, Brad |  |
Senate Votes
| Senator | SB 3 |
| Baertschiger, Herman |  |
 | Beyer, Lee |  |
| Boquist, Brian |  |
| Burdick, Ginny |  |
| Courtney, Peter |  |
| DeBoer, Alan |  |
 | Dembrow, Michael |  |
 | Devlin, Richard |  |
| Ferrioli, Ted |  |
 | Frederick, Lew |  |
 | Gelser, Sara |  |
| Girod, Fred |  |
| Hansell, Bill |  |
| Hass, Mark |  |
| Johnson, Betsy |  |
| Knopp, Tim |  |
| Kruse, Jeff |  |
| Linthicum, Dennis |  |
 | Manning, James |  |
 | Monnes Anderson, Laurie |  |
 | Monroe, Rod |  |
| Olsen, Alan |  |
 | Prozanski, Floyd |  |
 | Riley, Chuck |  |
 | Roblan, Arnie |  |
 | Steiner Hayward, Elizabeth |  |
 | Taylor, Kathleen |  |
| Thatcher, Kim |  |
| Thomsen, Chuck |  |
| Winters, Jackie |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |  | legislator whose score is 90% or greater |