Clean Energy Jobs
We are championing a policy that will cap climate pollution using the best available scientific guidelines for limiting Oregon’s impacts on climate change; price all qualified greenhouse gas emissions under the cap; and invest proceeds from pricing climate pollution into clean energy like wind and solar, public transit, energy efficient homes and businesses, and more. Equity and a just transition to clean energy are central to the policy. The bill did not pass this session, but we are offering extra credit to those legislators who have signed onto or otherwise publicly expressed their support for this bill.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Senate Supporters 13 | House Supporters 28
House Votes
| Representative | SB 1070 |
| Alonso Leon, Teresa |  |
| Barker, Jeff |  |
 | Barnhart, Phil |  |
| Barreto, Greg |  |
| Bentz, Cliff |  |
| Boone, Deborah |  |
| Buehler, Knute |  |
| Bynum, Janelle |  |
| Clem, Brian |  |
 | Doherty, Margaret |  |
| Esquivel, Sal |  |
| Evans, Paul |  |
 | Fahey, Julie |  |
 | Gomberg, David |  |
 | Gorsek, Chris |  |
 | Greenlick, Mitch |  |
| Hack, Jodi |  |
| Hayden, Cedric |  |
| Heard, Dallas |  |
 | Helm, Ken |  |
 | Hernandez, Diego |  |
 | Holvey, Paul |  |
| Huffman, John |  |
| Johnson, Mark |  |
| Kennemer, Bill |  |
 | Keny-Guyer, Alissa |  |
 | Kotek, Tina |  |
| Lewis, Rick |  |
 | Lininger, Ann |  |
| Lively, John |  |
 | Malstrom, Sheri |  |
 | Marsh, Pam |  |
| McKeown, Caddy |  |
 | McLain, Susan |  |
| McLane, Mike |  |
| Meek, Mark |  |
 | Nathanson, Nancy |  |
| Nearman, Mike |  |
| Noble, Ron |  |
 | Nosse, Rob |  |
| Olson, Andy |  |
| Parrish, Julie |  |
| Piluso, Carla |  |
| Post, Bill |  |
| Power, Karin |  |
 | Rayfield, Dan |  |
 | Reardon, Jeff |  |
| Reschke, E. Werner |  |
 | Sanchez, Tawna |  |
| Smith, Greg |  |
 | Smith Warner, Barbara |  |
| Brock Smith, David |  |
 | Sollman, Janeen |  |
| Sprenger, Sherrie |  |
| Stark, Duane |  |
| Vial, Rich |  |
| Whisnant, Gene |  |
 | Williamson, Jennifer |  |
| Wilson, Carl |  |
| Witt, Brad |  |
Senate Votes
| Senator | SB 1070 |
| Baertschiger, Herman |  |
 | Beyer, Lee |  |
| Boquist, Brian |  |
| Burdick, Ginny |  |
| Courtney, Peter |  |
| DeBoer, Alan |  |
 | Dembrow, Michael |  |
 | Devlin, Richard |  |
| Ferrioli, Ted |  |
 | Frederick, Lew |  |
 | Gelser, Sara |  |
| Girod, Fred |  |
| Hansell, Bill |  |
| Hass, Mark |  |
| Johnson, Betsy |  |
| Knopp, Tim |  |
| Kruse, Jeff |  |
| Linthicum, Dennis |  |
 | Manning, James |  |
 | Monnes Anderson, Laurie |  |
 | Monroe, Rod |  |
| Olsen, Alan |  |
 | Prozanski, Floyd |  |
 | Riley, Chuck |  |
 | Roblan, Arnie |  |
 | Steiner Hayward, Elizabeth |  |
 | Taylor, Kathleen |  |
| Thatcher, Kim |  |
| Thomsen, Chuck |  |
| Winters, Jackie |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |  | legislator whose score is 90% or greater |