Increases Fees for OWRD
This was a crucial bill to fund Oregon's consistently underfunded Water Resources Department (WRD). It was one of many water fee and budget bills that passed to ensure WRD has the resources they need to better manage Oregon's water resources now and into the future.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |
House Votes
Representative | Vote |
Alonso Leon, Teresa |  |
Bonham, Daniel |  |
Boshart Davis, Shelly |  |
Breese-Iverson, Vikki |  |
Bynum, Janelle |  |
Campos, WLnsvey |  |
Cate, Jami |  |
Clem, Brian |  |
Dexter, Maxine |  |
Drazan, Christine |  |
Evans, Paul |  |
Fahey, Julie |  |
Gomberg, David |  |
Grayber, Dacia |  |
Hayden, Cedric |  |
Helm, Ken |  |
Holvey, Paul |  |
Hudson, Zach |  |
Kotek, Tina |  |
Kropf, Jason |  |
Leif, Gary |  |
Levy, Bobby |  |
Lewis, Rick |  |
Lively, John |  |
Marsh, Pam |  |
McLain, Susan |  |
Meek, Mark |  |
Moore-Green, Raquel |  |
Morgan, Lily |  |
Nathanson, Nancy |  |
Neron, Courtney |  |
Noble, Ron |  |
Nosse, Rob |  |
Owens, Mark |  |
Pham, Khanh |  |
Post, Bill |  |
Power, Karin |  |
Prusak, Rachel |  |
Rayfield, Dan |  |
Reardon, Jeff |  |
Reschke, Werner |  |
Reynolds, Lisa |  |
Ruiz, Ricki |  |
Salinas, Andrea |  |
Sanchez, Tawna |  |
Schouten, Sheri |  |
Smith, David Brock |  |
Smith, Greg |  |
Smith Warner, Barbara |  |
Sollman, Janeen |  |
Stark, Duane |  |
Valderrama, Andrea |  |
Wallan, Kim |  |
Weber, Suzanne |  |
Wilde, Marty |  |
Williams, Anna |  |
Witt, Brad |  |
Wright, Boomer |  |
Zika, Jack |  |
Senate Votes
Senator | Vote |
Anderson, Dick |  |
Beyer, Lee |  |
Boquist, Brian |  |
Burdick, Ginny |  |
Courtney, Peter |  |
Dembrow, Michael |  |
Findley, Lynn |  |
Frederick, Lew |  |
Gelser, Sara |  |
Girod, Fred |  |
Golden, Jeff |  |
Gorsek, Chris |  |
Hansell, Bill |  |
Heard, Dallas |  |
Jama, Kayse |  |
Johnson, Betsy |  |
Kennemer, Bill |  |
Knopp, Tim |  |
Lieber, Kate |  |
Linthicum, Dennis |  |
Manning Jr., James |  |
Patterson, Deb |  |
Prozanski, Floyd |  |
Riley, Chuck |  |
Robinson, Art |  |
Steiner Hayward, Elizabeth |  |
Taylor, Kathleen |  |
Thatcher, Kim |  |
Thomsen, Chuck |  |
Wagner, Rob |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |