Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Budget
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) entered session with an unprecedented budget shortfall that compromised its existing and future conservation programs. SB 5511 was the budget bill that marked a 72% increase in general fund dollars in order to ensure that the agency can continue to do its work. OCN members look forward to continuing efforts to reform ODFW so that it better meets its mission to “…protect and enhance Oregon's fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations.”
Visit the Oregon Legislature's bill history and full text.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed the Senate 20-10 | Passed the House 43-16
House Votes
| Representative | SB 5511 |
| Barker, Jeff |  |
 | Barnhart, Phil |  |
| Barreto, Greg |  |
 | Barton, Brent |  |
| Bentz, Cliff |  |
| Boone, Deborah |  |
 | Buckley, Peter |  |
| Buehler, Knute |  |
| Clem, Brian |  |
| Davis, John |  |
 | Doherty, Margaret |  |
| Esquivel, Sal |  |
| Evans, Paul |  |
 | Fagan, Shemia |  |
 | Frederick, Lew |  |
 | Gallegos, Joe |  |
| Gilliam, Vic |  |
 | Gomberg, David |  |
 | Gorsek, Chris |  |
 | Greenlick, Mitch |  |
| Hack, Jodi |  |
| Hayden, Cedric |  |
| Heard, Dallas |  |
 | Helm, Ken |  |
 | Holvey, Paul |  |
 | Hoyle, Val |  |
| Huffman, John |  |
| Johnson, Mark |  |
| Kennemer, Bill |  |
 | Keny-Guyer, Alissa |  |
 | Komp, Betty |  |
 | Kotek, Tina |  |
| Krieger, Wayne |  |
 | Lininger, Ann |  |
 | Lively, John |  |
| McKeown, Caddy |  |
 | McLain, Susan |  |
| McLane, Mike |  |
 | Nathanson, Nancy |  |
| Nearman, Mike |  |
 | Nosse, Rob |  |
| Olson, Andy |  |
| Parrish, Julie |  |
 | Piluso, Carla |  |
| Post, Bill |  |
 | Rayfield, Dan |  |
 | Read, Tobias |  |
 | Reardon, Jeff |  |
| Smith, Greg |  |
 | Smith-Warner, Barbara |  |
| Sprenger, Sherrie |  |
| Stark, Duane |  |
 | Taylor, Kathleen |  |
 | Vega Pederson, Jessica |  |
| Weidner, Jim |  |
| Whisnant, Gene |  |
| Whitsett, Gail |  |
 | Williamson, Jennifer |  |
| Wilson, Carl |  |
| Witt, Brad |  |
Senate Votes
| Senator | SB 5511 |
| Baertschiger, Herman |  |
 | Bates, Alan |  |
 | Beyer, Lee |  |
| Boquist, Brian |  |
 | Burdick, Ginny |  |
 | Courtney, Peter |  |
 | Dembrow, Michael |  |
 | Devlin, Richard |  |
 | Edwards, Chris |  |
| Ferrioli, Ted |  |
 | Gelser, Sara |  |
| Girod, Fred |  |
| Hansell, Bill |  |
 | Hass, Mark |  |
| Johnson, Betsy |  |
| Knopp, Tim |  |
| Kruse, Jeff |  |
 | Monnes Anderson, Laurie |  |
 | Monroe, Rod |  |
| Olsen, Alan |  |
 | Prozanski, Floyd |  |
 | Riley, Chuck |  |
 | Roblan, Arnie |  |
 | Rosenbaum, Diane |  |
 | Shields, Chip |  |
 | Steiner-Hayward, Elizabeth |  |
| Thatcher, Kim |  |
| Thomsen, Chuck |  |
| Whitsett, Doug |  |
| Winters, Jackie |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |  | legislator whose score is 90% or greater |