Clean Fuels Program
In 2009, the Legislature passed HB 2186, establishing a low carbon fuel standard that would reduce the carbon intensity of Oregon’s transportation fuels by 10% over 10 years. But, a sunset placed on the program had been a barrier to enactment. SB 324 lifted the sunset on the Clean Fuels program, allowing the program to move forward and create economic development opportunities and cleaner, healthier air.
Visit the Oregon Legislature's bill history and full text.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed the Senate 17-13 | Passed the House 31-29
House Votes
| Representative | SB 324 |
| Barker, Jeff |  |
 | Barnhart, Phil |  |
| Barreto, Greg |  |
 | Barton, Brent |  |
| Bentz, Cliff |  |
| Boone, Deborah |  |
 | Buckley, Peter |  |
| Buehler, Knute |  |
| Clem, Brian |  |
| Davis, John |  |
 | Doherty, Margaret |  |
| Esquivel, Sal |  |
| Evans, Paul |  |
 | Fagan, Shemia |  |
 | Frederick, Lew |  |
 | Gallegos, Joe |  |
| Gilliam, Vic |  |
 | Gomberg, David |  |
 | Gorsek, Chris |  |
 | Greenlick, Mitch |  |
| Hack, Jodi |  |
| Hayden, Cedric |  |
| Heard, Dallas |  |
 | Helm, Ken |  |
 | Holvey, Paul |  |
 | Hoyle, Val |  |
| Huffman, John |  |
| Johnson, Mark |  |
| Kennemer, Bill |  |
 | Keny-Guyer, Alissa |  |
 | Komp, Betty |  |
 | Kotek, Tina |  |
| Krieger, Wayne |  |
 | Lininger, Ann |  |
 | Lively, John |  |
| McKeown, Caddy |  |
 | McLain, Susan |  |
| McLane, Mike |  |
 | Nathanson, Nancy |  |
| Nearman, Mike |  |
 | Nosse, Rob |  |
| Olson, Andy |  |
| Parrish, Julie |  |
 | Piluso, Carla |  |
| Post, Bill |  |
 | Rayfield, Dan |  |
 | Read, Tobias |  |
 | Reardon, Jeff |  |
| Smith, Greg |  |
 | Smith-Warner, Barbara |  |
| Sprenger, Sherrie |  |
| Stark, Duane |  |
 | Taylor, Kathleen |  |
 | Vega Pederson, Jessica |  |
| Weidner, Jim |  |
| Whisnant, Gene |  |
| Whitsett, Gail |  |
 | Williamson, Jennifer |  |
| Wilson, Carl |  |
| Witt, Brad |  |
Senate Votes
| Senator | SB 324 |
| Baertschiger, Herman |  |
 | Bates, Alan |  |
 | Beyer, Lee |  |
| Boquist, Brian |  |
 | Burdick, Ginny |  |
 | Courtney, Peter |  |
 | Dembrow, Michael |  |
 | Devlin, Richard |  |
 | Edwards, Chris |  |
| Ferrioli, Ted |  |
 | Gelser, Sara |  |
| Girod, Fred |  |
| Hansell, Bill |  |
 | Hass, Mark |  |
| Johnson, Betsy |  |
| Knopp, Tim |  |
| Kruse, Jeff |  |
 | Monnes Anderson, Laurie |  |
 | Monroe, Rod |  |
| Olsen, Alan |  |
 | Prozanski, Floyd |  |
 | Riley, Chuck |  |
 | Roblan, Arnie |  |
 | Rosenbaum, Diane |  |
 | Shields, Chip |  |
 | Steiner-Hayward, Elizabeth |  |
| Thatcher, Kim |  |
| Thomsen, Chuck |  |
| Whitsett, Doug |  |
| Winters, Jackie |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |  | legislator whose score is 90% or greater |