Youth Camps
Although the amended version of the bill was better than the original bill, conservationists remained opposed to yet another exemption on exclusive farm use land. This one is intended to allow expansion of a religious youth camp on the old Rajneeshpuram site in Wasco County.
No is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed the House 47-12 | Passed the Senate 23-7
House Votes
| Representative | HB 3098 |
| Bailey, Jules |  |
| Barker, Jeff |  |
| Barnhart, Phil |  |
 | Barton, Brent |  |
| Bentz, Cliff |  |
| Berger, Vicki |  |
| Boone, Deborah |  |
| Buckley, Peter |  |
| Cameron, Kevin |  |
| Clem, Brian |  |
| Conger, Jason |  |
| Davis, John |  |
 | Dembrow, Michael |  |
| Doherty, Margaret |  |
| Esquivel, Sal |  |
| Fagan, Shemia |  |
| Frederick, Lew |  |
| Freeman, Tim |  |
| Gallegos, Joe |  |
| Garrett, Chris |  |
 | Gelser, Sara |  |
| Gilliam, Vic |  |
| Gomberg, David |  |
| Gorsek, Chris |  |
 | Greenlick, Mitch |  |
| Hanna, Bruce |  |
| Harker, Chris |  |
| Hicks, Wally |  |
| Holvey, Paul |  |
| Hoyle, Val |  |
| Huffman, John |  |
| Jenson, Bob |  |
| Johnson, Mark |  |
| Kennemer, Bill |  |
| Keny-Guyer, Alissa |  |
| Komp, Betty |  |
| Kotek, Tina |  |
| Krieger, Wayne |  |
 | Lively, John |  |
| Matthews, Greg |  |
| McKeown, Caddy |  |
| McLane, Mike |  |
 | Nathanson, Nancy |  |
| Olson, Andy |  |
| Parrish, Julie |  |
| Read, Tobias |  |
| Reardon, Jeff |  |
| Richardson, Dennis |  |
| Smith, Greg |  |
| Sprenger, Sherrie |  |
| Thatcher, Kim |  |
| Thompson, Jim |  |
 | Tomei, Carolyn |  |
 | Unger, Ben |  |
 | Vega Pederson, Jessica |  |
| Weidner, Jim |  |
| Whisnant, Gene |  |
| Whitsett, Gail |  |
 | Williamson, Jennifer |  |
| Witt, Brad |  |
Senate Votes
| Senator | HB 3098 |
| Baertschiger, Herman |  |
| Bates, Alan |  |
| Beyer, Lee |  |
| Boquist, Brian |  |
| Burdick, Ginny |  |
| Close, Betsy |  |
| Courtney, Peter |  |
| Devlin, Richard |  |
 | Dingfelder, Jackie |  |
| Edwards, Chris |  |
| Ferrioli, Ted |  |
| George, Larry |  |
| Girod, Fred |  |
| Hansell, Bill |  |
| Hass, Mark |  |
| Johnson, Betsy |  |
| Knopp, Tim |  |
| Kruse, Jeff |  |
 | Monnes Anderson, Laurie |  |
| Monroe, Rod |  |
| Olsen, Alan |  |
| Prozanski, Floyd |  |
| Roblan, Arnie |  |
 | Rosenbaum, Diane |  |
 | Shields, Chip |  |
| Starr, Bruce |  |
| Steiner Hayward, Elizabeth |  |
| Thomsen, Chuck |  |
| Whitsett, Doug |  |
| Winters, Jackie |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |  | legislator whose score is 90% or greater |