Land Use Exemption for Port of Coos Bay
This bill was originally a Major Threat because it would have allowed numerous ports throughout the state an exemption to land use laws under Goal 16, as well as exemptions from local jurisdictions. After significant improvements were made to the bill, including narrowing it to just Coos Bay and bringing back some jurisditional authority, we were able to downgrade to a Bill of Concern.
No is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |
House Votes
Representative | Vote |
Andersen, Tom |  |
Boice, Court |  |
Boshart Davis, Shelly |  |
Bowman, Ben |  |
Breese-Iverson, Vikki |  |
Bynum, Janelle |  |
Cate, Jami |  |
Chaichi, Farrah |  |
Conrad, Charlie |  |
Cramer, Tracy |  |
Dexter, Maxine |  |
Diehl, Ed |  |
Elmer, Lucetta |  |
Evans, Paul |  |
Fahey, Julie |  |
Gamba, Mark |  |
Gomberg, David |  |
Goodwin, Christine |  |
Grayber, Dacia |  |
Hartman, Annessa |  |
Helfrich, Jeff |  |
Helm, Ken |  |
Hieb, James |  |
Holvey, Paul |  |
Hudson, Zach |  |
Javadi, Cyrus |  |
Kropf, Jason |  |
Levy, Bobby |  |
Levy, Emerson |  |
Lewis, Rick |  |
Lively, John |  |
Mannix, Kevin |  |
Marsh, Pam |  |
McIntire, Emily |  |
McLain, Susan |  |
Morgan, Lily |  |
Nathanson, Nancy |  |
Nelson, Travis |  |
Neron, Courtney |  |
Nguyen, Daniel |  |
Nguyen, Hoa |  |
Nosse, Rob |  |
Osborne, Virgil |  |
Owens, Mark |  |
Pham, Hai |  |
Pham, Khanh |  |
Rayfield, Dan |  |
Reschke, Werner |  |
Reynolds, Lisa |  |
Ruiz, Ricki |  |
Sanchez, Tawna |  |
Scharf, Anna |  |
Smith, Greg |  |
Sosa, Nathan |  |
Stout, Brian |  |
Tran, Thuy |  |
Valderrama, Andrea |  |
Wallan, Kim |  |
Walters, Jules |  |
Wright, Boomer |  |
Senate Votes
Senate | Vote |
Anderson, Dick |  |
Bonham, Daniel |  |
Boquist, Brian |  |
Campos, Wlnsvey |  |
Dembrow, Michael |  |
Findley, Lynn |  |
Frederick, Lew |  |
Gelser Blouin, Sara |  |
Girod, Fred |  |
Golden, Jeff |  |
Gorsek, Chris |  |
Hansell, Bill |  |
Hayden, Cedric |  |
Jama, Kayse |  |
Knopp, Tim |  |
Lieber, Kate |  |
Linthicum, Dennis |  |
Manning Jr., James |  |
Meek, Mark |  |
Patterson, Deb |  |
Prozanski, Floyd |  |
Robinson, Art |  |
Smith, David Brock |  |
Sollman, Janeen |  |
Steiner, Elizabeth |  |
Taylor, Kathleen |  |
Thatcher, Kim |  |
Wagner, Rob |  |
Weber, Suzanne |  |
Woods, Aaron |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |