Addressing Racism as Public Health
Significantly increases staffing and resources to the Oregon Advocacy and Commissions Office's Affinity Group Task Force, established by HB 4052 passed in 2021. It also allows three additional years for community-engaged development of health equity recommendations, advocating for bills in legislative sessions, and monitoring progress and accountability of the original HB 4052 project.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |
House Votes
Representative | Vote |
Andersen, Tom |  |
Boice, Court |  |
Boshart Davis, Shelly |  |
Bowman, Ben |  |
Breese-Iverson, Vikki |  |
Bynum, Janelle |  |
Cate, Jami |  |
Chaichi, Farrah |  |
Conrad, Charlie |  |
Cramer, Tracy |  |
Dexter, Maxine |  |
Diehl, Ed |  |
Elmer, Lucetta |  |
Evans, Paul |  |
Fahey, Julie |  |
Gamba, Mark |  |
Gomberg, David |  |
Goodwin, Christine |  |
Grayber, Dacia |  |
Hartman, Annessa |  |
Helfrich, Jeff |  |
Helm, Ken |  |
Hieb, James |  |
Holvey, Paul |  |
Hudson, Zach |  |
Javadi, Cyrus |  |
Kropf, Jason |  |
Levy, Bobby |  |
Levy, Emerson |  |
Lewis, Rick |  |
Lively, John |  |
Mannix, Kevin |  |
Marsh, Pam |  |
McIntire, Emily |  |
McLain, Susan |  |
Morgan, Lily |  |
Nathanson, Nancy |  |
Nelson, Travis |  |
Neron, Courtney |  |
Nguyen, Daniel |  |
Nguyen, Hoa |  |
Nosse, Rob |  |
Osborne, Virgil |  |
Owens, Mark |  |
Pham, Hai |  |
Pham, Khanh |  |
Rayfield, Dan |  |
Reschke, Werner |  |
Reynolds, Lisa |  |
Ruiz, Ricki |  |
Sanchez, Tawna |  |
Scharf, Anna |  |
Smith, Greg |  |
Sosa, Nathan |  |
Stout, Brian |  |
Tran, Thuy |  |
Valderrama, Andrea |  |
Wallan, Kim |  |
Walters, Jules |  |
Wright, Boomer |  |
Senate Votes
Senator | Vote |
Anderson, Dick |  |
Bonham, Daniel |  |
Boquist, Brian |  |
Campos, Wlnsvey |  |
Dembrow, Michael |  |
Findley, Lynn |  |
Frederick, Lew |  |
Gelser Blouin, Sara |  |
Girod, Fred |  |
Golden, Jeff |  |
Gorsek, Chris |  |
Hansell, Bill |  |
Hayden, Cedric |  |
Jama, Kayse |  |
Knopp, Tim |  |
Lieber, Kate |  |
Linthicum, Dennis |  |
Manning Jr., James |  |
Meek, Mark |  |
Patterson, Deb |  |
Prozanski, Floyd |  |
Robinson, Art |  |
Smith, David Brock |  |
Sollman, Janeen |  |
Steiner, Elizabeth |  |
Taylor, Kathleen |  |
Thatcher, Kim |  |
Wagner, Rob |  |
Weber, Suzanne |  |
Woods, Aaron |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |